Monday 20 December 2010

23+4 - Sleep like a dream

Just a little update before I shoot out for the day - I have officially broken up for Christmas! It's about time. I was most definitely ready for this mornings lie in till 9am (like a dream!), although a little frustrated to find I'd not turned my alarms off. But I still had the delicious, uninterrupted, undisturbed sleep that I've been looking forward to for weeks. Consequently, I've woken up this morning full of beans! Hopefully this will last, although now I've written it down... probably not.

I feel like I'm really starting to get an obvious little bump, which is both lovely and frustrating. I'm such a meanie, and trying to avoid spending any money on maternity clothes where not needed. I'd kind of hoped I could just get by in long tops, but even at 23 weeks that's proving difficult! I'm hoping that the sales are full of beautiful, reasonably priced maternity clothes - hoping but not expecting. Maternity clothes are just so expensive for the little wear you get out of them! You should be able to rent them. Or Primark should sell them.

5 sleeps till Christmas! I am still completely unprepared, but I've put plans in place for this week to get my bum into gear. Down to 5/6 people left to buy for which is great, finally wrote a few Christmas cards (sorry if you don't get one - a little late I know!), and wrapping a few presents a day. It would help if I wasn't so OCD about wrapping, but I am so there!

Off to do some lovely Christmas baking, after spending the morning doing cleaning and tidying. Just wanted to add one more thing... our little girl finally has a name. :)

With love and light xo


  1. I've bought almost all of my maternity clothes in the sales. Places like New Look and H&M are pretty good for decent sales, and they seem to be on all the time. eBay is pretty good too for picking up cheap bits.

    I've become a massive lover of leggings, having never worn them pre-pregnancy, and long tops. If you like jeans though, I'd recommend getting some from Next. Cheap jeans are just rubbish. (or go to Next, try some on and figure out your size there - there is no such thing as one size for all shops in maternity - and then get some on eBay)

  2. Ooooh will have to look in the sales! The few bits I have are from New Look but they don't sell Maternity in my local new look, and we don;t have a H&M! May need a trip to Meadowhall over Christmas... x

  3. Gutted on your behalf that you don't have a H& M! My trousers are new look, jeans next and have bought loads of stuff off of ebay. Andrew has terated me to some stuff from mothercare and H&M for Christmas. My local DP was great until last week when they removed their maternity section :( Pleased to hear cupcake has a name :) we're still arguing over names! Concentrating on boys names but have some girls in reserve just in case! xx
