Thursday 2 December 2010

21 - Update!

4-up on 2010-12-03

So I said I was going to post a proper entry today, and here I am! No excuse really, as today is another snow day! I have never in my entire life seen snow like this, it's amazing. However being pregnant is a slight inconvenience in the snow, due to the lack of snow ball fights / sledging / falling over / general snow frivolities! Still, we had a little wander into Mansfield yesterday, and round to my parents for tea. It's so incredibly beautiful and peaceful. I'm sure I'll be fed up of it next week, but at least whilst I don't have to brave the roads for work it's lovely.

This week has been the week full of ill here, with Mitch being super sick with a chest infection. It's been really hard to see him struggling and not be able to do a lot, but we took a few little walks yesterday to try and get some fresh air, which seemed to help. His fever broke last night, and today he seems a lot better, fingers crossed!

Last weeks Nottingham shop was postponed because of the snow, and I haver a feeling this weeks will be too! So I've not bought any girly clothes yet, however I've got a few adorable bits and pieces from Mitch's parents (including the AMAZING Hello Kitty vest pictured!) which is enough for now!

Still not felt any movement, which is getting quite disheartening. But I found out why at the scan at least - I have an anterior placenta, which basically means the placenta is lying at the front and most likely blocking all kicks etc., as baby has to kick through that for me to feel anything. Not really a lot I can do about it, and at least I have a reason now!

Speaking of the scan, I realised I never really wrote about it! The scan was lovely, and the sonographer was super sweet and lovely. She explained everything to us really clearly, showing us everything she could, even though cupcake was curled up in a yoga pose. We got to see hands and feet, legs, the heart beating away, gorgeous lips, a brief glimpse of a face, and lots of lovely things. Baby was being incredibly lazy and not moving, so we had to quickly drink some cold water to see the gender, but she eventually showed us :)

My parents have offered to buy us a 3D scan for Christmas which I am bouncing off the walls excited about, but I'll update more about that later. The major discussion around this at the moment being the music we choose! This will involve another poll I think...

Everyone's commented on the fact my bump seems to have made an appearance this week, which is really lovely. I love people noticing and I love my little cupcake bump! Ask me in about 15 weeks and I might not feel the same way!

And finally, today I am 21 weeks. Meaning that whatever happens with my due date, I am definitely half way today! How unreal is that?!

Determined to keep the blog going - I'm finding it really interesting to remind myself how quickly things are changing, and how quickly time is going! It's also generated some rather unexpected readers, including Mitch's tattooist ( who I promised I would mention. Hi :P

Comment with questions or just to say hi, it's lovely to feel I'm not talking to myself!

With love and light xo


  1. Isn't it adorable!! I love Hello Kitty, but baby Hello Kitty is even more amazing!

    And Ady I knew you'd appreciate it :P

  2. HeyHey, love ur blog Lizz, reading it religiously!
    Hope u dont mind this question.. The placenta thing.. is the kicking the only thing it will effect? It wont cause any problems or discomfort to you will it?

    Its so lovely what your doing, i hope u manage to keep it going. Im so happy for you both xxx

  3. I really love having the blog as a place to vent and write things down as otherwise I'd be useless at remembering it all! Ive forgotten thing from weeks ago even!!

    The anterior placenta shouldn't affect anything else - a low lying placenta could cause issues with yr birth but not the anterior placenta. It could cause issues if I had a caesarean but they would hopefully know about it! But will mean I might never feel kicks regularly.

    How are you honey?? X

  4. im good thanks :) your blog is helping to perk me up a bit :) You inspired me to start mine, it lets me get stuff off my chest, its really been making me feel better :) Love to you both :) xxx

    Ps thanks for answering my Q :)

  5. Feel free to ask ANYTHING you want to, nothings off limits within pregnancy :). You can always email me for a chat at any point if you want to :).

    I find blogging reaaallly therapeutic! My friend also has a really interesting blog about trying to concieve with a gene condition which you could look at?

    Lots of love xxx
