Sunday 12 December 2010

22+3 - Unorganised!

These past few days I've felt a little more movement from cupcake, which is always nice and reassuring (although apparently the novelty of this is going to wear off soon... something to do with bladders and trampolines... I'm choosing to selectively forget this at the moment!). Went to the cinema last night and she kicked a few times, although nothing I could feel with my hand. Well, she stops as soon as I put my hand there - obviously awkward already! However this morning she was kicking away and managed to feel a fair few kicks with my hand, very lovely - although I'm pretty sure Mitch will be jealous!

As horrible as it feels, I'm only just getting the hang of calling cupcake a girl, and referring to her as a she instead of it! Everyone else seems to have grasped it but not me apparently. I considered the fact that this makes me an awful mother but have again chosen to ignore that - selective pregnancy memory is amazing.

Debated the fact that I'm an awful mother / person last night with Chloe. Loads of people due at the same time as me on BabyCentre are incredibly organised. My organisation so far has come down to a t-shirt with a bird on it and a pair of jeggings. Well, not really but thats what it feels like! Baby cannot possibly arrive till April, as she'll be sleeping in my bottom draw.

No luck with names either, although to be honest neither me or Mitch have been looking! I feel like I have forever, so could really do with a prod towards actually looking. Also decided we can't possibly pick just one name as she might not look like that name, so have made the job altogether more difficult by deciding we need at least 5. Pretty sure she's going to be called Baby for about 3 months.

I've booked my 3D scan for the 4th January! So I'll be 25 / nearly 26 weeks - need to find some music to go with this. I'll post about this later. Also realised I never posted my 20 week scan picture so I'll get on that soon.

It's Christmas soon isn't it. I should probably get on that soon. I have officially become Captain Unorganised.

With love and light xo

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