Friday 14 January 2011

27+1 - Best / Worst - Second Trimester

Okay, so following on from my previous entry (here!) where I talked about the best / worst things about the first trimester, here are my favourite and least favourite things about the second trimester!

The Best Things

1. Energy. Getting some energy back has been fantastic! I must stress that it's only a little bit of energy, I'm not bouncing round the house everyday, but it's been a lot better than the first trimester where I wanted to curl up and sleep constantly. I think this might be on the downturn now though...

2. It's not a secret! People feeling like they can talk to you about the baby / ask you about pregnancy is amazing, I really hated not being able to talk about it for the first 12 weeks and I just love talking about babies to anyone and everyone! Having a noticeable bump also leads to lots of lovely random conversations.

3. Movement. This is probably the best thing, as starting to feel the baby move was a huge step for me and didn't happen till about 22 weeks because of the anterior placenta. Very reassuring, always makes me smile - even when it's 3am and I'm trying to sleep! Again something that the novelty apparently wears off soon...

4. No morning sickness! Although I was still sicky in the mornings till about 18 weeks, it definitely lessened after about 15 and now it's quite rare I feel sick / am sick. I mentioned in the other best / worst, but I really really hate being sick. I feel so much sympathy for the people who are sick all through their pregnancies.

5. Gender. And beautiful 3D / 2D scan pictures. Obviously finding out cupcake was doing okay was a priority for our 20 week scan, but finding out that she was a girl was just incredible. We didn't get great pictures from our 20 week scan, but I'm over the moon with our 3D pictures and video - it was an incredible experience and I'm so so glad we went!

6. Pram / nursery. Getting these things sorted was a huge weight off my mind, and also made both of us much more excited. I love our little baby room, and our beautiful space rocket pram!

7. Names. Deciding on a name for our beautiful little girl was definitely a highlight. Just can't wait to share it with everyone :)

The Worst Things

1. Sleep. Although I said I had much more energy, I'm certainly starting to struggle to sleep, and waking up every hour or so because I've rolled onto my front or back. Lying on my front is obviously impossible, and lying on my back makes me feel sick. This has been helped greatly with the purchase of a huuuge 5ft pillow off eBay which I can wrap myself around. I think Mitch may feel a little threatened by my new cuddle replacement!

2. Pain. The beginnings of back / hip pain are certainly coming into force now, but only over these last few weeks. The back pain is pretty dire, and I've took a cushion to work to help. A Hello Kitty cushion no less!

3. Fat! That middle bit where you just look a bit fat is a bit rubbish, as no-one wants to ask you if you're pregnant, you're too big for normal clothes but too small for maternity clothes, and you just look like you've eaten all the pies! Rest assured, I now look preggerz.

4. Waiting. Feeling a bit like nothing exciting is happening and haven't you already been pregnant for about 10 years already? You're just stuck in the middle, and it's been aaaages since you found out, but you're not having a baby for approximately 25 years right?

There are so many more good things than bad things, but I really wanted to try and paint a fair picture! I've had a bit of sickness and grossness this trimester, but I've not had to go to hospital again, baby is doing super well, and we have a name for our lovely little girl. We are so incredibly lucky.

With love and light xo

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