Friday 1 April 2011

38+1 - April fools!

38+1 today and still no sign at all of our little cupcake. Not a twinge or a braxton hicks in sight! As today is April Fools day I did consider posting a little to the contrary but we all know what happened to the boy who cried wolf...

Midwife appointment went fine yesterday, although she seems convinced that baby is big and let me know in several different ways! She did mention something about being 9lb at full term but we're going to quickly skip over that one... Blood pressure and everything else was fine, and baby is now 3/5 engaged so a little more than last time. She did give me some rather glamorous ways to start labour off but I get the feeling that baby is just pretty comfortable in there!

Mitch had Monday and Tuesday off work so we had a long weekend together before baby which was lovely. We fed the ducks at Rufford Park and had a nice wander round Newark in the sunshine and just generally relaxed a little bit in the sunshine. I got honked at by a particularly mean goose and we met the most photogenic squirrel in the world.


The rest of this week has flown by, even though I've not really been doing a lot! I've been really tired, and found myself getting short of breath very quickly, even doing quite basic things such as pegging washing out. I walked into Mansfield yesterday which takes about 10 minutes maximum, and had to have a sit down by the time I got there because I was all hot and out of breath - looking forward to feeling a little fitter!

So all in all, nothing to report. Lots of people wrong on the birthday guess list, but today we have Mitch's mum, my Grandad, and Piers. And Mandy guessed Monday. Will keep the blog updated!

With love and light xo

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