Wednesday 4 May 2011

Birth Story - Part 1

So I've sat down to try and begin this many times over the past 3 weeks, and each time I'm not really sure where to start or what to write! Then a baby cries and I just end up leaving it for another day. However - the midwife came yesterday and took away my purple book that had all the details and notes in (they file it up at the hospital) so I realised I have to write things down now before I forget - especially as I now don't have that to remind me! So, it may not be the most eloquent entry in the world, but here's Part 1 of of Alice's birth...

The photo below was taken a few days before she was born, and is the last one taken of me pregnant, as I was painting the rocking chair in the garden! At this stage I couldn't really get up on my own, and felt a bit like the size of a house.

As I'd written in here, I'd not had any twinges or tightenings or pain beforehand. I think I had a few Braxton Hicks but even now I couldn't be sure they weren't strong kicks or her stretching -I certainly hadn't felt anything painful.

The day before her due date I went to lunch with Peter and Chloe and didn't really do a lot else - a little tidying and nesting but nothing out of the ordinary! I pretty much expected her to be late like most first babies are, so I wasn't expecting anything for a week or so. Everything was ready at home, I'd finally bought the last few bits and pieces, and Lola had returned from going missing. I was ready for a baby now.

Mitch was working late so came home at 10ish to me crashed out on the sofa, so we got ready for bed and stayed up talking a little about the baby. We talked about names again, and how baby should come tomorrow to show everyone how well behaved she was. Infact I wrote-

"Due date today. Feel free to be punctual baby :)
I did my usual third trimester routine of being awake for a few hours, then eventually fell back to sleep. I woke up at 5.30, then I felt something. It wasn't the big gush I'd seen in films, but I felt like I'd wet myself a little! I waited a few minutes, then when I was sure nudged Mitchell to tell him and wake him up. I felt so many things - excited, nervous, unsure, anxious.

I stumbled to the bathroom to sort myself out a little, then got back into bed. We stayed up a little chatting and I suggested we try and get a little more sleep, baby showing up could still take days! Mitch went back to sleep but I was far too excited - I wrote this blog entry which I decided not to post just yet:

"So my waters have broken! Not in a spectacular fashion unfortunately, but enough for me to be sure I haven't peed myself ;). Currently laying in bed trying to get some rest before anything else happens, but obviously far too excited! Not had any contractions or tightenings yet, but will call the labour ward in a few hours just to let them know.

Currently feeling - nervous...excited? Maybe anticipation? This completely just feels like the calm before the storm - I obviously knew this was going to happen eventually but seems a little more real now! I'm just hoping and praying for an uncomplicated birth, and a healthy beautiful little girl at the end :)

Could be days, could be this afternoon. At least baby has made a little effort on her due date!!

Wish me luck I suppose! Or break a leg or something?"

April 14th 5.45am

I gave up on sleeping just after 6, and got up and put the news on. I made some breakfast and just pottered round the house a little. I think I straightened my hair? I'm sure it seemed like a good idea at the time! I rung the labour ward as my waters had gone and they told me to come in just to be checked over. So about 7.30 we headed up to hospital.

I think at this point I also called my mum and let her know something was happening. I debated putting it on Twitter but kind of just wanted to be left to my own devices for a while!

I wasn't scared - more excited! I kept having to remind myself it could be days but I also somehow thought it wouldn't be.

We got to the hospital and went in a tiny room where they strapped me to a monitor and checked babies heartbeat / my heartbeat and detected if I was having any contractions. I had a few but could barely feel them, just a slight tightening that I barely noticed unless I was looking at the readings. We agreed an induction time of the next day, which I was desperate to avoid, and I was booked in for 11am.

A lovely midwife made me some aromatherapy oils to try and kick the contractions off naturally, and she gave me a few doses of these to put in the bath at home.

After about 30 minutes of monitoring we were sent on our way, and I was determined to get things started without needing induction! So that was how we spent our day...

Part 2 Soon - promise!

With love and light xo

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