Monday 4 July 2011


I haven't updated in a little over a week, but all is well here :)

Last week I took Alice swimming for the first time, to a mother and toddler session at the local pool. If I'm honest, I was apprehensive that she'd scream after about a minute, but it was actually really lovely! We stayed in for a little over 20 minutes, and only got out of the pool for fear of the babies getting cold. She did scream when getting changed, but was a little angel for the rest of the time.

Some snaps of her snazzy little costume -

Alice has now moved up to the 3-6 month clothes, which I can be honest and was a little sad about! But, we now have tons of new clothes to wear, so expect lots of outfit photos coming up, including some ridiculous clothes that I have bought - goth skirt / punk outfits.

The house we were originally going to move into has fallen through, but we're moving to another one instead now - nothing is simple! We moved all our boxes / books etc. over the weekend, so all that's left to move are clothes and furniture, which we're going to move across on Sunday.

The new house is a lot bigger, and will give us plenty of room to play and spread out. I'm very much looking forward to being in the new house, but I just hate moving. I hate the disorganisation, the mess, and not knowing where anything is! For someone that hates moving house I seem to have done it a lot lately, but hoping this is the last move for a while!

The weather has been great, so we've tried to spend a lot of time outside and getting fresh air. Alice really seems to like the outside, so I'm looking forward to our new little garden with a little bit of grass, and an outside table and chairs.

I took these photos of her last weekend, and just can't believe how grown up / big she looks. The time really is flying by.

So everything's a little hectic here, with moving / packing, but I'll try and write a little more this week! I also have big wedding news so I'll get round to writing about that soon :)

With love and light xo

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