Wednesday 13 July 2011

Big Move

We currently haven't got the internet, so I'm writing this ready for posting later. Hopefully the internet will be sorted from Saturday onwards, when normal blogging service will resume! I'll steal Mitch's phone to post this later.

The big move is done! It was a lot less painful than it could have been, mainly down to the amount of people we had helping us and moving boxes / unpacking / carrying. It's times like this that make me realise how lucky I am to have an army on hand when needed. We got the majority of the move complete on Sunday, with just unpacking and a few boxes on Monday / Tuesday.

The house is still somewhat in a state of disarray, but it's definitely getting there. Hopefully a visit to IKEA over the weekend will help us get a little more organized. I'm going to take some pictures soon, but I'm still sorting and faffing so I'm not quite ready. But, even though there are still boxes everywhere, we're already appreciating the extra space. I'm excited to sort out Alice's playroom, and there is just going to be so much more room for all of us. We're so lucky that we were able to move and rent the flat out, it's just the best of both world for us as we're still paying towards a mortgage, but we have a much bigger space.

Alice is one month old tomorrow, which is just both exciting and terrifying! So much has changed, but I'll try and find time to write an entry about her tomorrow.

So we're here, and we have somewhere to sleep and somewhere to eat. And it was the right move.

With love and light xo

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