Tuesday 5 March 2013

Dear Alice - 22/23 Months

Untitled Untitled

Dear Alice,

In a few days you will be 23 months old. That is nearly 2 years old and that is terrifying!

You seem to have grown up all of a sudden in these past few weeks - you look taller and bigger and just less baby like. You've started wearing your hair in a bobble and I catch sight of you and just melt with how huge my little girl is!

You've started counting to 15 - sometimes 20. You count all the time; stairs, shoes, fingers, toes, animals, books. I tried counting backwards today and you counted 5-1 and added blast off at the end! You are adorable.

You can also sing all the alphabet, and the way you say "double-oo" is the cutest thing in the world.

You sing millions of songs - incy wincy, little miss muffet, grand old duke, humpty dumpty (or umpy tumpy as you call him), and about ten thousand more. You want to sing ALL THE TIME and hate being asked to be quiet. You also want me to join in - fine at home; less fine in the Tesco queue!


Along with singing you also love dancing and spinning - you are basically a huge drama queen who wants all the attention all the time. I have no idea where you get that from ;).

We went on holiday a few weeks ago and you had a brilliant time. We went with 15 adults and 3 kidlets, and you looooved the attention! You played nicely with Amelia for the first time, and loved stroking baby Abi's face (sometimes a little too much). You had lots of tasty firsts - first doughnut, first fish and chips at the seaside. Not surprisingly, you loved them all!

Sad toddler looks sad even in a duck costume Adorable child passport

Since we went on holiday you now love hiding after playing a giant game of hide and seek. On more than one occasion I have completely lost you!

Since spending time with Amelia on holiday I've noticed your sentences have been a lot clearer too, and you've started stringing together whole sentences / questions / answers etc. It's made it a ton easier to understand what you want and avoid frustration on both parts.

You saw your baby brother or sister a few weeks ago on the scan - you gave them a little wave and then threw all your raisins on the floor in boredom. I'm trying to get you used to the idea of a new baby but currently you are mostly uninterested in the whole notion.

As always, we love you more than anything in the world.

With love and light xo

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