Monday 10 December 2012

Dear Alice - 19/20 Months

Dear Alice,

You are now 19, nearly 20 months old!

One of the biggest changes in you over the past month or so has been your development with words. It would be impossible to list all the words you know - every day you surprise us! You are also starting to put mini sentences together to let us know what you want. I would guess at maybe 100+, with some of my favourite new phrases being "silly sauage" and "it's raining"!

It's brilliant being able to communicate with you more - you also have impeccable comedy timing!

Along with the word development, you have also started becoming much clearer with your numbers, and can count to 10 with a bit of help. You can also identify colours - red, yellow, green, blue, pink, orange, silver, black and purple. However you will only do this when not directly asked!

You love singing songs, which means I am pretty much constantly singing nursery rhymes at you - you love Twinkle Twinkle the most. A few nights ago I put you down to sleep and you sung it to yourself for 15 minutes and I nearly spent all night crying with how adorable you are.

You also love Old Macdonald, however he only ever seems to have ducks and cats...

You have become obsessed with Mickey Mouse and Peppa Pig. You alternate between which one, and sometimes you want both at the same time.

Yesterday we discovered that you love piggy backs, and I have also now discovered that you are VERY HEAVY! We weighed you on the scales and you are over 2 stone.

Untitled Untitled

Your hair is the most beautiful thing in the entire world. It curls into the most beautiful ringlets and I could stroke it all day. However you do not approve, and would rather spend the entire day looking like a mad scientist.

You have still been pushing your look with tantrums and throwing things, but you are also incredibly adorable, and know fully well how to use that to your advantage. You flirt shamelessly with strangers, singing them twinkle twinkle and blowing kisses.

We moved house last month, after spending months getting the new house ready. I hope you will be very happy here, and we will have lots of fun times. You seem to like it so far - but your room is the best in the house!

We are nearly at Christmas, and I can't wait to have a first Christmas with you where you understand a little more of what's going on. We bought you an advent calender but it ended badly - lots of tantrums and you demanding "more chocolate!". Perhaps next year!

Unimpressed So so cold!!!

Every month I think I couldn't love you anymore, and every month I do! You are incredible Alice.

With love and light xo

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