Saturday 21 January 2012

Dear Alice - 9 Months

Alice with a goatee!
Dear Alice,

This month you are 9 months old. 9 months - you have been alive for as long as pregnancy!

Finally, I can write that we are all getting better sleep. I'm crossing my fingers / toes / bones that it doesn't fade too much, but we are all sleeping tons better. Currently you are waking up once a night, but you had about a week of sleeping 7 - 7 so I know you can do it. Even if you do wake up now, it's only for 5 minutes and easy enough to deal with. We definitely all needed it.

You are also having 2 naps a day - 10am and 3pm ish. These vary in length from about 30 mins to 2 hours - normally a short morning nap and long afternoon nap.

You are eating more food, and less of it is going on the floor. At breakfast you demolish a slice of toast and Philadelphia, followed by Ready Brek and half a mushed up banana. Lunch is various fruits and a sandwich. Some kind of afternoon snack, and then whatever we're having for tea! This month your favourite foods are probably banana and bread.

You are standing much stronger, and walking supported. Every day I see your strength and balance develop and it's pretty amazing.

You seem to have developed a sense of object permanence - and I can move something or hide something and you still know exactly where it is. This is generally when you want things you can't have - such as mummy's phone or the remote control!

We took you to London for the weekend, and you were such a good girl. You amazed us both by just being completely fantastic for the entire weekend!

You are so smiley, and you seem to have developed a cat giggle - sort of a mean laugh when you're chasing the poor cats around! You also make more noises and sounds now.

I'm trying to work up to leaving you more, and today I left you with daddy for the morning. It is hard to leave you, but I love seeing your beautiful face when I get back!

We love you lots Alice.

With love and light xo

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