Friday 12 August 2011

Dear Alice - 4 Months

Dear Alice,

We seem to have been incredibly busy this month, especially with moving and putting up furniture / unpacking, and it seems to take forever when we have to keep stopping to feed and entertain a baby! But you are smiling all the time now, making it perfectly acceptable to spend 45 minutes playing "Where's Alice?!"

You love playing games with us, and you make the most gorgeous little noises. When you're awake now you chat to us pretty much constantly, getting very frustrated if we don't reply straight away!

We've had a rough few weeks with sleep - you'd been getting up 7 or 8 times a night then finally waking for the day at 5am. I think it was making you grumpy, and it was definitely making me grumpy! So we did a little reading, and tried a few of the methods from Dr. Sears and the No Cry Sleep Solution. We've established a sort of routine, although I hate that word! More a sort of order we do things in when you give us the cues. The past few nights it's worked really well and we're all sleeping a lot better.

We had our first case of the worries, when you had a really sicky day and just weren't yourself. You got worse throughout the day and we ended up at the out of hours doctor, but they think it was just a late reaction to your last set of jabs. Poor little owl!

You have been using your Bumbo and getting much better at supporting yourself in it. You also spend a lot of time on your tummy, and you can hold your neck up and look around at the world. After a while you give up and face plant but you are getting stronger every day.

You still love being naked, and it's a pretty much guaranteed smile if we strip you off, no matter how grizzly you are!

You are constantly gnawing away at your hands / blanket / cloth / whatever you can get your hands on. You have a little nub of a tooth that seems to bother you on and off, and you grab my hand to try and push against your tooth! You also now dribble over everything. Yum!

You are going on your first holiday tomorrow! You are very excited to go for walks and see lots of new things in Cambridge. We're going away for your mama's big birthday, and I'm sure you will get lots of cuddles.

We had to take a quick ASDA run last night to buy you some big 6-9 month clothes, as you are bursting out of your vests and sleepsuits. This makes me very sad as you have lots of lovely 3-6 clothes you haven't had chance to wear much!

I am a bad mummy and haven't had you weighed this month so I have no idea how much you weigh - but you are definitely a lovely lump :)

We have booked your Christening for December, so we get to look for a pretty dress for you soon!

And finally, last night you said Bye Bye to Uncle Peter, who has left for America today. We will all miss him very much <3

With love and light xo

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