Thursday 3 February 2011

30 - No news is good news right?

So, time for another instalment of what's happening in the land of Lizz and bump! I know I've been a little slack with the blog lately, but truthfully not a lot is really happening at the moment.

Yesterday I went to my first antenatal class at the hospital, as part of the physiotherapy unit. We looked at things we should / shouldn't be doing during pregnancy, some exercises to help with birth and back pain, and generally talked about body changes during pregnancy. Apparently I shouldn't be working – the thought of afternoon naps is lovely but unfortunately I don't think the money tree would agree! I enjoyed the session but looking forward to next week's session more, focusing on breathing and relaxation methods for birth.

Starting to lose some of the energy I had in the second trimester, and feeling super sleepy at the moment. I slept from 8.30 last night and still woke up tired this morning! I don't know if that's down to me waking up in the night, or just baby taking up a lot of energy at the moment. It could be entirely un-pregnancy related and just due to the fact I've got a lot on my mind, but I'm really struggling to keep my eyes open past about 5!

The back ache / hip ache has shifted up a notch this week, but work have provided me with a better chair (it's amazing!) and I've bought an exercise ball to sit on at home which actually seems to make a big difference. Don't want to complain too much, as lots of ladies have really severe problems with SPD / PGP so I feel very lucky to just have a little back ache :).

Haven't done anything more baby related to the house, or bought anything else. Trying to hold off until right at the end and I'll buy any bits and pieces we need then, but I keep having to remind myself that the shops will still be open after she's born!

Still seems to be forever away. 10 weeks, or 70 days to go until the due date, so I guess she'll be here in 84 days maximum?

And in amazing news, my cousin welcomed a GORGEOUS little girl into the world on Monday, weighing 6lb 14oz. Happy Birthday little Amelia! I haven't seen her yet but cannot wait to meet her, and find out some of the details.

Hope everyone else is okay!

With love and light xo

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