Saturday, 21 January 2012

Dear Alice - 9 Months

Alice with a goatee!
Dear Alice,

This month you are 9 months old. 9 months - you have been alive for as long as pregnancy!

Finally, I can write that we are all getting better sleep. I'm crossing my fingers / toes / bones that it doesn't fade too much, but we are all sleeping tons better. Currently you are waking up once a night, but you had about a week of sleeping 7 - 7 so I know you can do it. Even if you do wake up now, it's only for 5 minutes and easy enough to deal with. We definitely all needed it.

You are also having 2 naps a day - 10am and 3pm ish. These vary in length from about 30 mins to 2 hours - normally a short morning nap and long afternoon nap.

You are eating more food, and less of it is going on the floor. At breakfast you demolish a slice of toast and Philadelphia, followed by Ready Brek and half a mushed up banana. Lunch is various fruits and a sandwich. Some kind of afternoon snack, and then whatever we're having for tea! This month your favourite foods are probably banana and bread.

You are standing much stronger, and walking supported. Every day I see your strength and balance develop and it's pretty amazing.

You seem to have developed a sense of object permanence - and I can move something or hide something and you still know exactly where it is. This is generally when you want things you can't have - such as mummy's phone or the remote control!

We took you to London for the weekend, and you were such a good girl. You amazed us both by just being completely fantastic for the entire weekend!

You are so smiley, and you seem to have developed a cat giggle - sort of a mean laugh when you're chasing the poor cats around! You also make more noises and sounds now.

I'm trying to work up to leaving you more, and today I left you with daddy for the morning. It is hard to leave you, but I love seeing your beautiful face when I get back!

We love you lots Alice.

With love and light xo

Video - Alice 0-8 Months

My first proper go with iMovie... enjoy!

With love and light xo

Sunday, 1 January 2012


I know I've done my year in pictures, but just wanted to really remind myself of some of the highlights of this year! We've been incredibly lucky to have such a good year. Thank you to everyone who's helped make it so good :)

In January we went for our 3D scan, and got to see our little girl for the first time. I think we picked her name about this time too, which seemed to lift a massive wait off our shoulders! I started to get massive.

In February we went to watch University Challenge being filmed, as my brother was on it, which was amazing. We went to see Boyzone for free and ate an amazingly expensive indian meal, courtesy of Chloe winning a competition!

In March I finished work which felt amazing. We got the last few bits and pieces ready, and Mitch had some time off work with me to just spend time together. We tried to appreciate just being the 2 of us, but in hindsight I think I was just too impatient to meet baby! We also got engaged :)

In April I had a baby. It was a ridiculously warm April and we spent lots of time outside in the sunshine. We spent all of Mitch's paternity leave doing nice things and it was lovely to be a little family. We weren't that tired yet. We had a party for the Royal Wedding and started to get the hang of breastfeeding.

In May we were tired! We went to Newstead Abbey and practiced going out and about more. I picked out my engagement ring and we told everyone our exciting news. I don't think we got a lot else done in June. I think we may have cracked feeding a bit more.

In June it was sunny and lovely. We went to BBQs and spent lots of time outside in the sunshine. We picked the church and hall where we were getting married, and booked it for in a years time - 16th June 2012. Mitch went away with work for almost a week and I didn't like it.

In July we moved house, and rented our flat out. We managed it over the course of 1 day mainly, with the help of lots of people and their cars and hands! We sorted out the house but lived in chaos for a while.

In August we took our first holiday, to Ely near Cambridge. Alice paddled in the sea and we had lots of giggles. It was Daddys birthday when we were away, plus mama's big 50! We went punting in Cambridge, and ate too much food. Nom.


In September Alice went to her first birthday party, and started rolling around. Alice started eating food, and we started with purees etc., but ended up changing to baby led weaning quite quickly when she flat out just wanted to do it herself!

In October we went on holiday for the weekend to the seaside, and had a lovely time. Alice really got a hold of this food stuff and went for it big time. We went to a Halloween party and all got all dressed up. Mitch cut holes in a sheet and went as a coast.

In November Alice started crawling which was a terrifying moment! Mitch grew a moustache and I graduated.


And finally December has been busy! Alice had her Christening, and we got all decorated and prepared for Christmas. We had a lovely Christmas, and saw lots of lovely people and got lots of nice things. We organised the house a bit more, and put Alice into her own room (*sob!*). We bought a dishwasher.

So, we have had a busy year! This has been, without a doubt, one of the most incredibly happy and lovely years of my life. I have an amazing family, a lovely house, and fantastic friends. I can only hope 2012 is even half as brilliant. We truly are blessed.

With love and light xo