I was thinking last night about things I could write about, and thought about a few items I've / we've found incredibly useful over the past 2 months. This is by no means a list of things you need, but definitely things that have helped us out a little :). Infact, I might split the list up and make it a regular thing! If you have any suggestions / advice just let me know :)
(I got mine second hand for £5, but new about £40)

Alice pretty much wants to be carried all the time - she wants to be able to see what's happening and what everyone's
doing, and be close enough to me that she can pull on my top to remind me that tea time is happening!
The link is to the adjustable one and mine isn't, but the ease of it is amazing - it's literally just a pouch of material that I c
an put her in to carry her round. It's comfy, easy to use, and takes up no space at all in my nappy bag. I just chuck it in and it saves my arms carrying her round if she wants cuddles when we're out and about.
It's a lifesaver at home too, I can do the washing up, peg clothes out, tidy up etc. She has a nice l
ittle doze and I don't feel guilty about not getting anything done - winner!
Plus mine has a lovely pattern on (as pictured) and I get lots of compliments, that must mean I need another one right ;). I must stress how much I prefer the Hotsling to the Babasling - I find
that faffy and uncomfortable!
By no means a necessity, but I find being able to see her in the back seat when we're driving really reassuring. I can easily see what she's up to, and if she's awake or sleeping - often a key factor in the decision making of where we're going and what we're doing!
And this is super cheap and easy to fit - it just attaches to the back head rest. One thing I did forget to check is if we had read head rests though, and turns out we didn't. However Mitch did a quick switcheroo for me! Problem solved. Would definitely recommend. It also has the added effect of distorting her head slightly which makes me giggle.
(I paid £5 each for these I think on an offer, but normally around £14.99 new)
I could write pages and pages about how fantastic we've found the cloth nappies and how happy we are with the decision to use cloth, but I just particularly want to focus on the type of nappy, and I'll maybe do a longer cloth post later.
The V3 are the old version, but just as good as the V4s. I also want to mention the BumGenius All In One Nappies which are sized, and we had 6 small ones of these for the first few weeks - they do from 8lb to 15lb so we're still using these but they take longer to dry.
The V3 nappies are classed as Birth to Potty nappies, so fit from about 8lb to hopefully when she potty trains - because they have various poppers to adjust the size and fit for the age she is (better explanation here).
We love them for many reasons, but a few include: Saving money - obviously a big reason, and a very important reason. Although the inital outlay was more, we should hopefully save a significant amount in the long term, and obviously these can be reused again and again. Reducing landfill, this is really important to me / us. Comfort, they look so super comfy! And I'm trying to avoid using chemicals on Alice wherever possible.
We've found the BumGenius the best so far for fit, ease of use, speed of drying, and absorbency.
I might sound like some crazy hippy, but that's fine. I have no confidence in most of my decisions, but I've been really happy with this choice so far.
Okay, little one is crying so I'm off for now. Will do some more of these soon, but please leave any comments with questions or suggestions :)
With love and light xo
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