Thursday, 24 March 2011

37 - Full Term!!

37 weeks today - I am officially classed as full term!! That means baby can come anytime from today and won't be treated as premature, and I would be able to try for my water birth - yay :D

And I am happy to say that I am 37 weeks and feeling fantastic! I'm sleeping better, feeling better, and just feel perfectly happy to be pregnant. I may completely regret saying this in a few weeks, but I'm just perfectly content - baby can arrive whenever she wants now, but can also feel free to give me a few weeks off too - whatever she wants to do.

I'm loving my first week off on maternity leave - the sun in shining; I've done lots of washing and pottering; I've caught up with some friends and had a few little walks out in the sunshine. I'm sure the maternity boredom will catch up soon but it's lovely to be able to have relaxing days with lots of chilling out - I'm getting better at it!

I've been waking up at about 7 as normal, but it's so easy to get up when you're not rushing round getting ready for work in a hurry. I can shower and eat breakfast at a leisurely pace, put some washing in, and just do whatever I feel like. There is a slight issue in that I think I may end up the size of a house - biscuits are just far too tempting when they stare at you from the kitchen.

I've bought a few nursing bras which was much less painful than I though - I'd got it in my head they would be like parachute so feel glad I've managed to buy some that aren't completely fugly. Also ordered the basket for the pram yesterday so that should be delivered to Mothercare sometime next week.

My list of things to get has completely dwindled down to one or two things now, and a few things I'll get after baby is here. People keep asking if I have everything and I think so? I just don't know where this calm has descended from - I was massively stressing out last week and now I just feel super calm and ready. The calm before the storm? Quite possibly...!

This is my last week with a car though, as we've decided to take my car off the road to save money while I'm on maternity leave. This will be rubbish, as I'm so used to having a car. But, I have legs and it won't kill me! It may also help me get back in shape after she is here, and I'll still have access to Mitch's car evenings / weekends. Plus I have very helpful friends for lifts ;P

On the baby birthday guessing front, so far Ben and my dad have been wrong, and Sarah has guessed tomorrow. Feel free to add your guess!

With love and light xo

Sunday, 20 March 2011

36+3 - All done at work!

So I'm currently blogging from in bed, on a new iPhone app I've just downloaded - get me! Updating as I realised I haven't posted in almost a week - where is the time going? And more importantly, where has it gone?!

Today I am nearly classed as full term (3 days off) so baby needs to hang in there for a few more days really, to make sure I'm still able to try for the lovely water birth I have requested on my checklist! I also requested one of those lovely babies that doesn't cry and sleeps a lot, just hope the list didn't get lost...

Tomorrow is my first day of maternity leave, so I have no idea how I'll feel when I wake up! I'd like to have a lovely lie in but I think that's quite unlikely, so I have lots of little jobs to do over the next few weeks. Starting with baby washing tomorrow if the weathers fit and hopefully sunny, but if not there's still lots I can do! Along with sitting - which I've been told is an order and no longer optional. I'm just not good at sitting!

To be honest, it hasn't quite set in yet that tomorrow I'm not at work. I had a lovely last day on Friday, and managed (just!) to get through the whole day without a tear, but when I got home I just sobbed. I was trying to explain to Mitchell what was wrong, yet I didn't really know myself. I think it boiled down to the huuuuge change, and just being scared. I've always known what I'm doing, or at least what I wanted to be doing, and this fear of the unknown can be very unnerving. Especially now I've read all the books, bought almost everything I need, and packed a hospital bag - I'm as ready as possible but still feel woefully unprepared!

I had a lovely last day anyway, with some lovely presents, including money for professional baby photos from everyone at work :). Had a lovely meal out too, with great food and company.

Busy weekend again, but bought a few more baby things from town yesterday and the car boot this morning, and got to catch up with some friends and family, including seeing Jess before she goes back down to Cornwall, hopefully only temporarily ;)

In pregnancy news, I'm feeling...tired. Struggling with aches and pains a little this week, but don't want to moan as I know it could be a lot worse! Luckily I have support on hand for back rubs and sympathy, but I'm definitely done with having back ache. Glad to be finished this week, I really don't think I would have managed another. I have no idea how people manage to work up to 39+ weeks - this past week I've just been exhausted!

Anyway, hoping that this posts and doesn't just disappear into the iPhone abyss! Will hopefully blog a little more now I'm not at work, so if anyone has any questions just leave a comment! Will probably post a few pictures of baby things tomorrow but open to blogging suggestions...

With love and light xo

Tuesday, 15 March 2011

35+5 - Baby shower!

Oh my gosh, it is now less than a month till babies due date! How crazy is that? I keep changing my mind, I'm torn between wanting her to come ASAP, and wanting another 9 months to prepare! I would definitely like an actual specific date that she will be here, all this guessing is too difficult to deal with!

First things first, my results came back all okay from the gestational diabetes test, so all is well on that front thankfully :).

This week is also my last week at work - still sorting out bits and pieces so it definitely hasn't quite sunk in yet that this time next week I won't actually be going. I have no idea how that will feel to be honest - my mum seems to think baby will be here by then so I won't actually get the week off I've been dreaming of! I've got lots of little jobs to keep me busy anyway, but I'm going to try and get some rest too on the advice of everyone else!

Last Friday night was my surprise baby shower - courtesy of the amazingly sneaky Chloe Steel, and my super secret family!

I literally had no idea at all, and it was just amazing. I could gush about what a fantastic time I had for the next few hours, but it was so lovely to see everyone and have a giggle playing ridiculous games, including:

- make a baby out of plasticine (see right for evidence!)
- put the nappy on the bear
- human nappies
- pass the baby in an unfit fashion!

It was so fantastic to see everyone and eat lots of tasty cupcakes! We got given so many lovely things, everyone was so generous, we will literally have the best dressed baby in the universe! And in true fashion, the baby shower ended up in the pub at the end of the street playing pool at 1am.

We spent all day Saturday running baby related errands, including sorting out all the clothes into sizes and what we had / hadn't got etc., so I now feel about ten million times more prepared! Also bought a few baby bits and pieces, including a moses basket and changing mat, so feel much more organised now - minus the occasional minor freakout.

Yesterday involved sorting out some more housey things which I promise I'll blog about soon, just don't like to jinx them! And this afternoon the midwife is coming to the flat to create my birth plan. Got some great choices to make, including tear or episiotomy? Can I just tick the neither box please?!

All in all, has been a busy week! So if baby can listen up and at least give me a week off work that would be much appreciated...

With love and light xo

Sunday, 13 March 2011

Wednesday, 9 March 2011

34+6 - Guess the birthday...

Okay so I thought this would be good to have a go at - have a guess at baby's due date and weight, will be interesting to see who's closest! Something to take my mind off the results tomorrow anyway.

A few insider tips -
  • Due date is 14th April but was originally 18th April.
  • She is currently measuring slightly big but only slightly.
  • Today she was 4/5 engaged.
  • I have had no Braxton Hicks contractions as of yet.
Happy guessing :)

With love and light xo

34+6 - GTT done!

I've just got back from my glucose tolerance test at the hospital, and nothing to report yet! Will get a phonecall tomorrow if there's anything in my results that would indicate gestational diabetes, if not I'll receive a letter over the next few days. So, fingers crossed for no phonecall?

I ate some toast first thing at 7, and I was only able to sip water afterwards until my hospital appointment. I had some blood taken, then had to chug a pint of Lucozade, which I have never drunk before, and it is gross! Why would anyone ever drink such vile stuff?! Then had to go back a few hours later and have some more blood taken.

However on the positive side, a midwife saw me about half way through my wait, and gave me a quick check up. Baby is still lying head down, and is apparently 4/5 engaged! However she must be a good girl and stay in there for a little while longer as I'm not quite ready and have a few things left to do at work / teacher training :).

The midwife also shed a little light on the pain I've been feeling in the middle of my chest, just under my breastbone. Apparently it's your stomach muscles starting to pull apart - lush!

A combination of these things has led me to put a few things in a hospital bag, although I've ended up with one for me and one for baby - I had no idea how much stuff you had to take! I'm sure I'll unpack and repack about amillion times over the next few weeks, but at least I have one for now :).

Hope all my lovely pregnant and none pregnant friends are well, and good luck to KQ with her 20 week scan tomorrow, hope baby co-operates and flashes their bits!

With love and light xo

Friday, 4 March 2011

34+1 - Glucose tolerance test

Went to the midwife yesterday and I did have glucose in my urine again, so I'm off to the hospital next Wednesday for a glucose tolerance test. I have to not eat or drink anything before the test (which is at 2.15 so all day!), not even a swig of water or a bit of chewing gum. I am going to be a nightmare.

Apparently I have to then drink a controlled amount of lucozade, they take my blood before and after 3 hours to find out how my body is processing the sugars. Then on either Thursday or Friday they'll let me know the results, and if I have gestational diabetes. Woop woop.

With love and light xo

Thursday, 3 March 2011

34 - Sleeeeepy

So, there hasn't been really a lot to report in the land of babies. Today I have exactly 6 weeks left until D-Day, and seem to be doing quite well!

I'm struggling a little with work this week - just tired and achey, and I'm not good at sitting (or really able to sit down a lot as a teacher!) so I'm coming home with achey hips and knees every night. Nothing too painful, as I'm forever reminded when I hear tales of the dreaded SPD, but enough to make me want to moan about it a little!

Sleeping quite well (famous last words?) but still waking up shattered in the morning. I think it's down to waking up every hour to have to reposition pillows and roll over - I sleep well in the gaps but just don't think I'm getting proper sleep! The next person to tell me it's 'practice' for when baby comes gets kicked in the face.

Off to the midwife this afternoon, so fingers crossed I have no glucose / protein in my wee as I think then I'd have to have more tests. Also fingers crossed bump is measuring okay as I feel huuuuuuge. How can there be any more room in there for baby? I'm pretty sure if she grows any more she'll be up to my armpits.

Exciting evening tonight courtesy of the lovely MC Steelz! She won tickets to Boyzone, and a free Indian meal so I'm going as +1. I don't think I know many Boyzone songs but think I might just surprise myself and sing along alllllll the way through (sorry in advance!). Looking forward to it, but glad to have seated tickets!

Will update later about midwife,

With love and light xo

Tuesday, 1 March 2011

33+5 - Photos w/ Mitchell

I took these photos at the weekend and didn't really think anything of them - just wanted to try out my shiny new remote and tripod that I've acquired for taking pictures with baby! However I think they're kind of sweet so thought I'd post them :)

Nothing new's happening really! Getting bigger and more uncomfortable by the day, but still doing quite well considering - just a bit of back and hip pain but I know how lucky I am! Struggling with work at the moment, very tired but plodding on. Less than 3 weeks left at work, finishing on the 18th March.

Packed a small hospital bag tonight - not my proper one but just wanted some stuff in a bag just in case. Although I'm sure baby will be cooking for a while longer yet :).

Too tired for a proper blog but just wanted to say everything was okay!

With love and light xo