Saturday, 26 February 2011

33+2 - Bump Photo

And click here for the other ones for a comparison :). Will blog soon - nothing new to report really!

With love and light xo

Thursday, 17 February 2011

32 - The story so far...

Picture taken with my shiny new camera remote!

So today I am 32 weeks pregnant, or 8 weeks (56 days) away from my due date, a date that still seems a distance of about ten thousand years into the future!

I'm still feeling mostly very good, with very little to complain about really. Back and hip ache have been getting to be a daily thing, but nothing too crippling and certainly nothing I can't cope with – and who am I to moan about daily back rubs and getting the sofa to myself!

I've had a busy few weeks at work, and I'm really trying as hard as I can to complete my teacher training work. The deadline is the 11th June, but obviously I'm going to be somewhat preoccupied through April / May / June, so trying to get as much as possible done beforehand. This was really worrying me last week, and there have been more than a few tears shed, but I'm only one person, there are only so many hours in the day, and I can only do so much! Written myself a schedule of things I can be doing next week so really hoping to get some big chunks done.

Another thing that's been on my mind over the past few weeks is a bit of an exciting development house wise! I'm going to keep it quiet for the next few weeks, but if anyone is looking for somewhere to rent sometime in the next few months then get in touch with me :)

I've finally managed to get off my lazy bum and start doing some exercise this past month or so, not tons but more than before! Going swimming once a week, which I suppose is better than nothing. Would love to get out and do some more walking but the weather's not really been fit, hoping that this changes soon and we can get in a few nice walks before baby is here!

Sleeping a lot better lately, seem to be dead to the world this week, maybe waking up every few hours to change sides and relieve an achy hip, but other than that very well! Counting my blessings with this at the moment, as I know I'll be up every 10 seconds to pee soon enough! I'm thinking it's because my bump is so high at the moment, that she's not really pushing on my bladder. Also not waddling yet, again because I think she's so high up! This has been leading to a lot of being out of breath from going up 2 flights of stairs though.

The movements I've been feeling have definitely changed, from defined pokes and prods to more “swooshy” (?) movements, like I can feel her moving around and changing position and my whole tummy changes shape – it can be quite strange / surreal! Tried to get a video last night but she stopped as soon as I started filming obviously.

I've had 3 antenatal classes so far, and they've actually been really useful and interesting. They've only been 45 / 50 minute classes, but we've covered relaxation methods, breathing, birthing and labour positions, and other bits and pieces. The physio that takes the class is really fantastic and a big hypnobirth / natural birth advocate. Although a lot of the stuff she's going through is stuff I've already read and I'm aware of, it's very reassuring to hear a medical person repeating things back to you. I do feel a bit like the odd one out at the classes though, but I've always been a bit odd I suppose!

In other baby news, I haven't really bought anything else or done anything else! I received a gorgeous hamper full of baby things last weekend that was very much appreciated, lots of lovely things to stash away! Bought a few bits for my hospital bag on Monday but still not got round to packing it, possibly a weekend job along with trying out the car seat? I keep putting off buying things but I will get a move on soon.

I have put myself on a nappy buying hiatus until baby comes, just because I may not even get on with the cloth nappies! We have a nice little stash now, consisting mainly of Bum Genius (a combination of the V3 BTP and All-In-Ones), TotsBots (some V1 and some V2), a few Bambooty, and just some other bits and pieces I've picked up from the pre-loved board on BabyCentre! I keep meaning to take pictures of them all so I'll try and do that soon too.

Finally, a bit of a question. Those of you that have had babies before, did you wash all the clothes before they were born?

With love and light xo

Friday, 11 February 2011

31+1 - Hard week

This week has probably been one of the toughest of the pregnancy so far, thankfully not because of baby related things, but because of life related things! However, this week also holds promise of exciting developments and changes in the future, so I'm trying to stay super positive.

Going out for a meal with my lovely boyfriend tonight to celebrate Valentine's Day and very much looking forward to good company and good food!

Not a lot to update on this week really - had another antenatal class on Wednesday focusing on relaxation methods, then was at the midwife yesterday. Had both glucose and protein in my wee sample, so got to keep an eye on these next time, but other than that everything seems okay.

Will take new bump pictures over the weekend, feel a lot bigger now! Had to give in and buy some more maternity tops to stop the "hulk" affect. Luckily found some in the sale as I am quite mean!

With love and light xo

Thursday, 3 February 2011

30 - No news is good news right?

So, time for another instalment of what's happening in the land of Lizz and bump! I know I've been a little slack with the blog lately, but truthfully not a lot is really happening at the moment.

Yesterday I went to my first antenatal class at the hospital, as part of the physiotherapy unit. We looked at things we should / shouldn't be doing during pregnancy, some exercises to help with birth and back pain, and generally talked about body changes during pregnancy. Apparently I shouldn't be working – the thought of afternoon naps is lovely but unfortunately I don't think the money tree would agree! I enjoyed the session but looking forward to next week's session more, focusing on breathing and relaxation methods for birth.

Starting to lose some of the energy I had in the second trimester, and feeling super sleepy at the moment. I slept from 8.30 last night and still woke up tired this morning! I don't know if that's down to me waking up in the night, or just baby taking up a lot of energy at the moment. It could be entirely un-pregnancy related and just due to the fact I've got a lot on my mind, but I'm really struggling to keep my eyes open past about 5!

The back ache / hip ache has shifted up a notch this week, but work have provided me with a better chair (it's amazing!) and I've bought an exercise ball to sit on at home which actually seems to make a big difference. Don't want to complain too much, as lots of ladies have really severe problems with SPD / PGP so I feel very lucky to just have a little back ache :).

Haven't done anything more baby related to the house, or bought anything else. Trying to hold off until right at the end and I'll buy any bits and pieces we need then, but I keep having to remind myself that the shops will still be open after she's born!

Still seems to be forever away. 10 weeks, or 70 days to go until the due date, so I guess she'll be here in 84 days maximum?

And in amazing news, my cousin welcomed a GORGEOUS little girl into the world on Monday, weighing 6lb 14oz. Happy Birthday little Amelia! I haven't seen her yet but cannot wait to meet her, and find out some of the details.

Hope everyone else is okay!

With love and light xo