2011 everyone! Hope you're all as excited about the new year as I am, although obviously we have an extra special reason to be excited this year! It is now officially
103 days until my due date, which I'm sure will absolutely fly by.
I'm not feeling too fantastic, so this will just be a short post. I'm really hoping I'm not coming down with a cold or something, but just feel really rotten - achey, sore throat and pounding head. Going to spend the night on the sofa relaxing and hopefully be fine in the morning!
Cupcake has been kicking up a storm these past few days! There are no mistaking the kicks now, and they're becoming much more frequent. As of this morning I noticed that you can see them on the outside, looks very strange - like my tummy's made of jelly (thanks to Mitch for the description!)
We've been super busy these past few days - run lots of errands, seen lots of family, and become much more prepared for baby. The cot arrived yesterday, so we set that up (pictures to follow), organised cupcake's room a little more, and had a play with the car seat. I know we've got tons of time left, but this week has been our last week off together really until due day, and I do like a good organise!
Obviously last night was New Years Eve, and we went to a family party. I realised that staying up past midnight is quite difficult for me - I have no idea how much harder it will be next year! I kept feeling a sharp pain in my tummy, which worried me all night. I had it again this morning but seems to have passed now, and she's been kicking around since. Just felt like a really painful stitch, but came on all of a sudden. Will definitely keep an eye on this!
Went to see the midwife on Thursday which was fine. I saw my third different midwife in three visits, which is a little disconcerting but I suppose it's not really important. She measured my stomach and had a listen to baby - I'm measuring exactly right (25cm whatever that means?!), and cupcake sounded good - nice strong heartbeat and kicking away!
My blood pressure was quite low, about 80 / 40, when it should be about 120 / 60, but I expected that as I've been having quite a lot of lightheadedness and dizziness lately. I've always had low blood pressure and there's not really a lot that can be done! Just lots of liquids - I'm really bad at remembering to drink though. I feel like I need to set a reminder on my phone or something!
I know I forgot a belly photo this week, so will try and take one tomorrow for 25 weeks :). And will post photos of cot soon too. I think we're going pram shopping tomorrow which is super exciting - then everything big is pretty much done :D
With love and light xo