Tuesday 9 November 2010

17+5 - Dying to feel!

Haven't updated in nearly a week, but can't really think of a lot to say! I guess just a bit of an update on how I'm feeling?

Been feeling much better these past few days, despite being sick this morning (eww!). I forced myself to have some breakfast and it obviously just didn't agree with me! But other than that I mostly have my appetite back, and in the day I seem to be an eating machine. Trying super hard to eat healthily as I don't want to become the size of a house! I've currently put on about 6lbs, but trying to only weigh myself once a week.

Still having incredibly vivid dreams about cupcake - almost every evening I dream about things happening in the pregnancy, or finding out the sex. But for some reason, I'm only ever pregnant in my dreams, I don't have a baby! Maybe I'll move onto that towards the end...

Went to the midwife last week, and ended up waiting for about 50 minutes as my midwife is sick, but saw 2 lovely midwives instead. I was only in there quite briefly, but they covered a few main points, including the fact all my test results seemed okay! They listened to cupcakes heartbeat and you could hear kicking and movement, but I still haven't felt anything. Dying to feel something! Anything!

I've been lying in bed / in the bath trying to concentrate on feeling movements but it's just not happening. Still, it's not meant to be till 18 - 20 weeks anyway, was just trying hard to feel! I think that will really make thing seem more real, and be a big relief.

Also, only 2 weeks and 2 days till my next (and last) scan! Not like I'm counting or anything...!

Has anyone got any questions? I feel like I'm running out of stuff to say :)

With love and light xo

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