This has been inspired by an email to a pregnant friend (hi!). My opinion on the best / worst things about the First Trimester - I'll try and do this for the second and third too!
Worst things about the First Trimester:
Nausea. I hate hate hate feeling sick, especially when it ruins my appetite. I love food so much, and not being able to eat is the worst kind of torture to me!
Vomiting. This is a separate point to nausea because actually being sick is horrible. However pregnancy has helped me get over my fear of vomiting – a bonus I guess? Vomiting also feels like the biggest waste of time in the world, as in "Why on earth did I bother to eat breakfast?"
Tiredness. Wanting to go to bed at 6.30 does not lead to a rock ‘n’ roll lifestyle. Lots of bed, cats and Grey’s Anatomy! Wanting to have an afternoon nap is not enjoyable when you’re at work.
Gas pain. I never thought I’d be blogging about gas, but the pain!! And feeling like a human balloon is quite unpleasant.
Isolation. Feeling like you have this amazing secret, yet you’re completely alone because no-one can know. Wanting to scream it from the rooftops, yet being terrified in case it all goes wrong.
best things about the First Trimster:
The secret. Although you can feel completely isolated, the fact that you have this incredible secret that no-one in the world knows just makes you feel amazing! Every time you talk to someone you have this secret smile, knowing that you’re doing this amazing thing!
First scan. I was lucky (I guess?!) to have scans at 6 weeks, 8 weeks and 12 weeks, but the first time you see your little baby on the screen is just an incredible thing. I expected to be overcome with emotion (I cry at adverts!) but instead I thought it was the most fascinating thing in the world.
Miracle. The fact that your body is performing this small miracle, and no matter how sick or rubbish you feel, your body is just producing this little person from nothingness!
Thin person clothes. Still being able to wear normal clothes! In hindsight I didn’t appreciate this at all, but I’m only 16 weeks now and already missing my favourite jeans!
Baby. And finally, the fact that you are having a baby! If this isn’t the most amazing thing about pregnancy I don’t know what is. Being able to dream and imagine and guess all about this tiny little person is just an incredible feeling.
At the end of the day, it's the most amazing thing in the world, but everyone needs to moan!!
With love and light xo