Thursday, 25 November 2010

20 - Cupcake is...

Cupcake is... a girl!!

I'll update in more detail later with a picture to show you, but wanted to make sure everyone in the world knew we were having a little girl! I couldn't be happier to have seen our little girl on the scan, and to know everything is okay. Now, only 20 weeks to go!

With love and light xo

20 - Excited!!

Updating from my phone because I'm far too excited and nervous to sleep!!! Keep dreaming about the scan :). I want to go to sleep so I can wake up and it be here, like you do for Christmas! I have no idea how I'm going to get through the next 20 weeks without seeing cupcake.

I'm having this weird pain in the right side of my chest every time I breathe in, which is another reason I'm having trouble sleeping. Hopefully by the morning it'll be gone!

The next time I update, hopefully I'll have more news :)

With love and light xo

Tuesday, 23 November 2010

19+5 - Apprehensive

So only 2 sleeps to go until my 20 week scan! This excites me, but is also starting to scare me actually. I've been focusing on this point as a huge exciting thing, but a few dreams have left me a little apprehensive. I'm sure it's nothing, but I'm allowed to worry a little bit! It's amazing how much my whole life has changed in such a short period of time. This baby was a huge surprise, but I would give anything to make sure that they are healthy and happy.

I've been changing my mind a little on gender these past few days. All the way through I've thought girl, and girl seems to be the majority vote. However last night all I dreamed about was finding out the sex, and it being a boy - and now I'm completely back to square one! I've still left my vote as a girl, but my women's intuition is obviously failing me!

I've been quite achey this week, with my hips / knees / shoulders feeling like I've been working out, when I blatantly haven't (although I do need to get on that!). I'm sure this will disappear soon enough, and it's only really an issue when trying to sleep. Sleep's kind of evading me at the moment - I'm still just getting the good 30min bursts, which is just a little odd and leaves me quite tired. Still, better than no sleep!

I've been a little negative these past few days, and a few things have been getting me down. However I keep trying to remind myself how lucky I am, and how amazing this is. I'm sure I'll be super positive again after Thursdays scan!

So - VOTE! And comment... this blog is getting rather lonely with me talking to myself!

With love and light xo

Friday, 19 November 2010


I know I've been a little slack in posting, but I've hit a bit of a wall this week. By the time I get home from work I feel like crawling into bed and sleeping forever, and the last thing I want to do is sit and write. Still, I'm determined to keep this up! Speaking of sleep, I'm having this weird sleep where I wake up - wide awake - every 30 minutes. Very frustrating as feels like I haven't slept at all, but having incredibly vivid dreams.

I've added a poll to the top right of the blog, so please vote! I'm keeping a poll at work also, and I'll reveal the final votes just before my scan - hopefully revealing the true gender at about 10am on Thursday! 5 days :)

Been shopping into Derby today. Saw lots more lovely baby clothes (obviously!), but put all buying on hiatus till after the scan now. Mitch is treating me to a little shopping trip to Nottingham next weekend, for Christmas presents, baby stuff, and maybe a Cookie Shake! Hoping to be able to buy my first little outfit for cupcake, as I've been very good and haven't bought anything yet. I have no idea how I have resisted this urge!

I don't really have a lot to say! I'm still unable to feel cupcake unfortunately, but we've listen to him / her kicking away for the past few nights. The kicks sound so strong, but just not been able to feel them :(. Or my head keeps playing tricks on me, and I keep thinking I have, but I'm not sure.

5 days till the scan! This has me both incredibly excited, and quite scared. Really looking forward to being able to see cupcake again though, it cannot possibly come round soon enough!

With love and light xo

Sunday, 14 November 2010

18+3 - Bump Photo

18 Weeks

Excuse the tired face and poor light, I'm afraid it's that time of year! Will update over the next few days, super sleepy tonight. Nothing to report - still no movement felt :(. But all is well!

With love and light xo

Tuesday, 9 November 2010

17+5 - Dying to feel!

Haven't updated in nearly a week, but can't really think of a lot to say! I guess just a bit of an update on how I'm feeling?

Been feeling much better these past few days, despite being sick this morning (eww!). I forced myself to have some breakfast and it obviously just didn't agree with me! But other than that I mostly have my appetite back, and in the day I seem to be an eating machine. Trying super hard to eat healthily as I don't want to become the size of a house! I've currently put on about 6lbs, but trying to only weigh myself once a week.

Still having incredibly vivid dreams about cupcake - almost every evening I dream about things happening in the pregnancy, or finding out the sex. But for some reason, I'm only ever pregnant in my dreams, I don't have a baby! Maybe I'll move onto that towards the end...

Went to the midwife last week, and ended up waiting for about 50 minutes as my midwife is sick, but saw 2 lovely midwives instead. I was only in there quite briefly, but they covered a few main points, including the fact all my test results seemed okay! They listened to cupcakes heartbeat and you could hear kicking and movement, but I still haven't felt anything. Dying to feel something! Anything!

I've been lying in bed / in the bath trying to concentrate on feeling movements but it's just not happening. Still, it's not meant to be till 18 - 20 weeks anyway, was just trying hard to feel! I think that will really make thing seem more real, and be a big relief.

Also, only 2 weeks and 2 days till my next (and last) scan! Not like I'm counting or anything...!

Has anyone got any questions? I feel like I'm running out of stuff to say :)

With love and light xo

Wednesday, 3 November 2010

16+6 - Best / Worst - First Trimester

This has been inspired by an email to a pregnant friend (hi!). My opinion on the best / worst things about the First Trimester - I'll try and do this for the second and third too!

Worst things about the First Trimester:

1. Nausea. I hate hate hate feeling sick, especially when it ruins my appetite. I love food so much, and not being able to eat is the worst kind of torture to me!

2. Vomiting. This is a separate point to nausea because actually being sick is horrible. However pregnancy has helped me get over my fear of vomiting – a bonus I guess? Vomiting also feels like the biggest waste of time in the world, as in "Why on earth did I bother to eat breakfast?"

3. Tiredness. Wanting to go to bed at 6.30 does not lead to a rock ‘n’ roll lifestyle. Lots of bed, cats and Grey’s Anatomy! Wanting to have an afternoon nap is not enjoyable when you’re at work.

4. Gas pain. I never thought I’d be blogging about gas, but the pain!! And feeling like a human balloon is quite unpleasant.

5. Isolation. Feeling like you have this amazing secret, yet you’re completely alone because no-one can know. Wanting to scream it from the rooftops, yet being terrified in case it all goes wrong.

However, best things about the First Trimster:

1. The secret. Although you can feel completely isolated, the fact that you have this incredible secret that no-one in the world knows just makes you feel amazing! Every time you talk to someone you have this secret smile, knowing that you’re doing this amazing thing!

2. First scan. I was lucky (I guess?!) to have scans at 6 weeks, 8 weeks and 12 weeks, but the first time you see your little baby on the screen is just an incredible thing. I expected to be overcome with emotion (I cry at adverts!) but instead I thought it was the most fascinating thing in the world.

3. Miracle. The fact that your body is performing this small miracle, and no matter how sick or rubbish you feel, your body is just producing this little person from nothingness!

4. Thin person clothes. Still being able to wear normal clothes! In hindsight I didn’t appreciate this at all, but I’m only 16 weeks now and already missing my favourite jeans!

5. Baby. And finally, the fact that you are having a baby! If this isn’t the most amazing thing about pregnancy I don’t know what is. Being able to dream and imagine and guess all about this tiny little person is just an incredible feeling.

At the end of the day, it's the most amazing thing in the world, but everyone needs to moan!!

With love and light xo

Tuesday, 2 November 2010


Not really a lot to update on from these past few days! Mitch has been away, so been distracting myself and keeping busy, fortunately it's gone very quickly and he comes home tomorrow :). I've been going to bed at about 9 though, which has been lovely to do without feeling guilty. I read a friends blog the other day where she posed a good question - am I going to bed because I'm tired / pregnant? Or just using that as an excuse?

Midwife on Thursday, then 3 weeks till the scan! Fingers crossed they can find out the sex. If they can't I will literally sob - I'm done waiting now! I have absolutely no idea how people make it 40 weeks. I must start a boy / girl poll on here to get opinions... My cousin is now having a little girl (congratulations!!) so apparently that means I'm having a boy? I don't really think probability works like that somehow!

Held my friends beautiful little girl today, she was angelic! 6 weeks old and she just slept in my arms the entire time - if only it was going to be that easy the entire time!
Also had a few more ideas with names. One keeps getting stuck in my head that I kind of wrote off weeks ago, and I keep dreaming about it. The more I say it the better it sounds I think, but I suppose I have a while to change my mind! Still no boys names.

Going to try and post more pictures, as I always take tons and do nothing with them! So, first up is my first baby Lola! My pride and joy, even if she is mental. I'll post a photo of Aeris soon, but she generally just sleeps a lot and kills mice.

Hope everything's okay with everyone else, this probably sounds super dull but just want to remember everything :)

With love and light xo