Dear Violet,
Happy Quarter Birthday! Where on earth has the time gone?!
You were weighed a few weeks ago and are now exactly 13lbs so have put on weight well! You are also very long like your big sister was, and are out of most of your 3-6 month vests and baby grows - sad times!
You are now smiling, talking, and cooing away like a little angel! I love the smiles we get first thing in the morning. I enjoy the smiles at 3am considerably less ;)
You are doing okay with your sleep - you have definitely discerned the difference between night and day, and sometimes we have a good few hours in a row - a couple of times we've had 5/6 hours in a row which is ace! Last night you were less good, but you are only a baby. I think we're going to have to move out of your basket soon and into the cot though, just because of how long you are.
One of your favourite things at the moment is still the bath, and you love splashing and kicking away. You are also taking in all the Christmas lights and decorations, and love to look around. You hate being held like a baby and would much rather be inspecting the room or bouncing around.
You've had 2 sets of jabs, both of which upset you a little bit but I know they're needed. Alice held your hand for the last set of jabs and then kissed you better when you started crying which about melted me.
You are developing your little body, kicking away, lifting your neck and wiggling around at any opportunity! If I leave you on the changing mat and turn around you 2 feet away a few minutes later. You've also got tons quicker with your feeding and much more spaced out - we're on maybe once every 3 hours now and for about 15 minutes as opposed to only stopping once every 3 hours!
I am trying to snap lots of pictures but feel a bit of a failure - when you look back when you're older I apologise in advance that there aren't as many pictures of you!!
So onto your sister -
Dear Alice,
You seem to have shot up a lot lately, and we've had to move you up in lots of clothes. I've just weighed you, and you are now 2stone 6lbs, but you seem to have slimmed down a lot and lost all of your toddler-ness - you now look like a little girl, and a beautiful one at that!
The past few weeks have all been about Christmas! This is the first year where you really get the concept of Christmas and santa, so we have been doing lots of christmas decorations / cards and games. Yesterday we made salt dough decorations, and today we've done painting and glittering paper plates, and tomorrow is paper chains with some card we've decorated.
You wrote a letter to Santa and got a card back which you were very excited about. We're also going to see him on Monday, which I think I'm probably more excited about than you. I cannot wait to see you on Christmas this year, although I imagine you'll open everything within about 10 seconds.
You've been helping me do some baking with some success, and some massive toddler melt downs because I wouldn't let you lick the flour of the floor.
The toddler melt downs have seemed a little less frequent this month after a tricky few weeks. I think your maybe just adjusting to sharing me, and you hate staying in during the winter - you'd much rather be going mental running round a park.
However, you have now discovered the wonder of films, and are a bit obsessed with Netflix. Your current favourite is The Wild which I've now seen about ten million times, and you also love Aliceland as you call it!
You're still having a nap and sleeping from about 7pm - 6am. Please don't drop your nap. Please!
You completely dote on your little sister, and are forever stroking her and kissing her and trying to hold her. It's so lovely but you can be a little heavy handed!
One of your favourite things at the moment is story time - you want me to tell you a story, ideally when hiding under a blanket or hiding in our bed. We do it every night while Violet is having her bath, and you help me tell the story while sneaking me kisses. It is quite possibly my favourite time of the day, even though you only every want one of 3 stories (Goldilocks, 3 Pigs, or Billygoats Gruff)
I can't wait for Christmas with the both of you, we love you so so much.
With love and light xo