Sunday, 7 October 2012

Dear Alice - 17 Months

Untitled Tower building times!

Dear Alice,

You are now 17 months old! Again, I'm sorry that I've missed a month out but time always seems to just slip through my fingers.

These past few months I've noticed such a distinct change in you, from being my tiny little baby girl, to my little toddler. It's been a strange adjustment to you no longer being a baby! You are also quite big for your age, and we've had to move into 2-3 for a lot of your clothes and vests.

After a hard few months you are now going to sleep loads better in the daytime, and most days having between an hour and 2 in the afternoon. You (most of the time) go to sleep on your own without us having to do anything which is a lot easier than singing or rocking you to sleep!

You have really come on leaps and bounds with your words - every single day you seem to be coming out with new words and sounds. You're also able to say most of them without prompting, and you completely understand what the word means. Just a few of the words you now say - cracker, banana, mummy, daddy, mama, nanny, slide, kitty, pussy, cat, robot, seesaw, swing, slide, park, teeth, shoes, socks, toast, iggle, duck, quack, ball, kick, no, nice, kiss, book, sun, light, nose, eyes, mouth, colour, clock and sorry!

Untitled Seesaw!

You're understanding of words and phrases has also come on a lot. If I say "bedtime" you will get your teddy and sit at the bottom of the stairs. Or if I say "breakfast" you will go and try and get in your high chair. Or if I say "kisses" you will run off giggling and shaking your head no!

You are constantly walking, running, playing and giggling. From 6am to 7pm you are pretty much none stop wanting to play! The first thing you ask for in the morning is "colour" and you love drawing pictures and swirls. You love to go to the park and burn some energy off, and if it was up to you we would be there every day.

Saturday life. Got to wear wellies to draw

You love dancing and singing to music, but have specific tastes. Sometimes you will love a song, then something else will come on and you will shake your head and say no! Maybe I'll keep an eye n your budding music taste incase you spend too much time with daddy...

Alongside all the lovely things, you are also developing a mardy streak! Especially if you've been forced into your pram when you'd rather be running round and making a mess. It's made going out anywhere none child friendly a million times harder! I have my first ridiculously mardy / screamy child in Tesco experience last week. You slammed your head on the trolley to get my attention, and when I got you out for a cuddle you ran off half crying / half giggling.

Kiss me mummy!!! Where's Alice? Oh wait.. In the toy box

You will have complete tantrums and melt downs if I take something off you, or won't give you what you want. Today you only wanted to eat carrots, and if I tried to get you something else you just cried about it.

However, mostly you are incredibly funny and sweet. You love spending time with people and being the centre of attention, making them laugh and playing silly games. It takes me forever to get anywhere as I have to stop and talk to people you have pointed at or sung to!

You are challenging and difficult, but amazing and incredible. Every day I learn more about being a mum, and every day you make me laugh.

With love and light xo