Friday, 30 December 2011

2011 A Photo Diary

So after doing one last year, I thought I'd give it another go!

With love and light xo

Dear Alice - 8 Months

Dear Alice,

This month you are 8 months old - and it seems like everything has clicked in all in one go!

The last post I added was a few weeks ago, and you'd just started crawling. Apparently you decided that's not enough, and you promptly learned standing supported and pulling yourself up to standing! This terrifies me as it's now a long way to fall. It's also lovely waking up to you standing in your cot singing to yourself, or watching you at the stair gates smiling while I cook dinner.

For Christmas you also got a baby walker and managed to pick up walking a few paces assisted, which you keep getting better at. For now, you stick to crawling because it's quicker and you're good at it. We've had to babyproof everywhere and I'm considering wrapping you in cotton wool.

You are talking away to yourself and to us a lot more, getting frustrated if we don't reply ASAP. None of your words mean anything but you're happy to just have a little chat!

You smile and giggle and react to songs and faces. You also now dance to music if the mood takes you!

Eating wise we've moved onto Ready Brek for breakfast, and we've tried some new things - scrambled eggs is a favourite, as was Christmas dinner!

You are currently getting over being sick for first time as you picked up a cold over Christmas. It's not very nice and we've all struggled a little bit, but you have been a trooper really. Hopefully you're coming out the other side of it now.

Today we shifted into mostly 9 - 12 month clothes, and organised your room. How does one small baby have so many clothes?!

Along with crawling and standing we've finally got the hang of sitting unsupported - that seemed to come almost after everything else! I think you were just too eager to be on the move before that.

You love playing with your toys, and your personal favourites at the moment include Sophie the Giraffe, your walker, and a fairground thing you got for Christmas. You have lots and lots of toys - I have no idea how we would have coped in the flat, as we seem to struggle for room in a 3 bed house!!

Sleep wise - we were getting better. However this cold has set us completely back! But I'm confident we can get back on track. Who needs sleep right?

It's amazing watching you learning - you use trial and error and I can literally see the cogs in your brain ticking over. You are amazing!

I'm torn between wanting you to grow, and stay tiny forever. You're certainly not my tiny baby anymore.

With love and light xo



I also completely forgot to mention that we had Alice's Christening on December 11th. We had a lovely day - Alice was incredibly well behaved and smiley. It was just so lovely to have such a wonderful day surrounded by people who love and care for Alice. It made all 3 of us appreciate just how lucky we are really.

A few photos -


With love and light xo

Wednesday, 28 December 2011

Instagram - December 2011

My life lately according to my iPhone! Follow me on Instagram @evenstarx :)

Mummy loves the littlest penguin! Sawing away...
Grr tiger!! Dinner time!
Bathtime! Another one...
Day off with daddy!!
Tiny baby crane Cat friend
Tasty lid My tree!

With love and light xo

Thursday, 8 December 2011


So I keep forgetting to write about this, but as of a week and a half ago - we have forward motion!

This was right at the beginning and we're now crawling like a pro. I also realised my house is basically a baby death trap and I need to sort things out ASAP!

Alice is a smart baby and generally only crawls towards:

a. Phones and laptops. The value of the items is proportional to the speed of the crawl

b. Knives and paracetomol. The danger of the item is also proportional to how quickly she can get there

c. The cats. They are most pleased about this.

With love and light xo