Thursday, 22 September 2011

Instagram - September 2011

My life lately according to my iPhone! Follow me on Instagram @evenstarx :)

The way she holds her hands when feeding <3
All ready for party!
Saddest baby in the world
So now you decide to sleep!!
My gorgeous new necklace! Fairies rock!

With love and light xo

Tuesday, 20 September 2011

Dear Alice - 5 Months

Dear Alice,

This month I'm a little slow with writing your 5 month round up, but I've finally had chance to sit down and write it.

This month you have been full of smiles, and it's amazing going to fetch you from your nap when you have this huge grin! You think lots of things are now hilarious, and I will do anything amillion times just to see you smile. We've also had a few more giggles, which I keep trying to catch on camera and completely failing.

You are rolling over left right and centre, and you hold your head up t0 look round and see the world on your front. You keep rolling over in your sleep and you seem to end up the complete opposite way to how we put you down.

You're also now attempting to chase the cats when you're on your front, and really want to crawl! Obviously it's a little advanced for you at the moment, so you sort of bounce then give up.

The big development of the last few days has been food! You are now trying lots of different foods, and we've bought you a lovely high chair. So far your favourite food is apple, but you quite like carrot and potato. You don't think a lot to baby rice or sweet potato but so far you haven't spat anything out, and will eat whatever's put infront of you. (I'll write a proper blog about this later!)

We're finally getting there with some semblance of daytime routine now, as well as our lovely bath and cuddle nighttime routine. We have followed your natural timings and you seem to be a 3 nap a day kind of girl at the moment :).

We went on your first holiday to Cambridge, where you had a paddle in the sea and spent some time on the trampoline! You seemed to really enjoy the change of pace and it was lovely going with so many friends and family. We're going away again in a few weeks to Norfolk for the weekend, so hopefully you'll enjoy that just as much!

You also went to your first birthday party! It was your friend Phoebes first birthday, so you got dressed in your lovely party outfit and we had a lovely time. I can't wait till you can join in with the dancing and getting your face painted.

The weather's turning colder so we've been wrapping you up a lot more, and you look so adorable in your cute little hats and cardigans. Please stay tiny forever little one!

With love and light xo