Sunday, 31 October 2010

16+3 - Bump Photo

16 Weeks

New picture taken today, sorry about the rubbish quality but Mitch is away with work and had to take it with my Macbook. I'm going to try and aim for every other week now, so we'll see how that goes!

With love and light xo

Thursday, 28 October 2010

16 - Baby Names

Also, these are amazing! Complete lists of all baby names in England / Wales for 2009 - Boys and Girls

Oliver is most popular for boys, with Olivia being most popular for girls - how strange! And that is by a huge chunk, both of those names are about 7000.

6 boys and 11 girls are called Tiger.
17 girls are called Chardonnay, and 3 were called Champagne.
5 girls were called Chavi.
I can't find any Frodos, Gandalfs or Galadriels, however 38 were called Arwen. (aww!)

The list only includes names that there were 3 or more of, who knows what other weird and wonderful names were used last year!

With love and light xo

16 - Distracted!

I'm a little distracted today - I'm at work, but can't quite seem to focus - my brain seems to have been completely taken over by baby fever! This includes (but is not limited to) prams, nappies, clothes, names, nurseries, breastfeeding, furniture, sleeping, annnnnd just general babies! And this distraction has also completely taken over dreams :)

I think a lot of this has been brought on by my first proper baby shop yesterday. I've looked at bits and pieces before, but yesterday I went shopping to Meadowhall and just looked at so many adorable baby things. Zara had some gorgeous baby clothes that I just wanted to buy all of!

Looked in Mothercare at some prams too, which was really interesting. I've been looking a little bit online to get an idea of what's available / what I want / don't want, and I've been kind of "pram perving" to see what everyone else has, but yesterday was the first time I saw a pram I loved. It was the Quinny Buzz 3 wheeler, and it was just lovely - especially with the carry cot to make it into a lovely little pushchair! Just seemed so much lighter and nicer than a lot of the others, the material was really lush, the folding mechanism seems fantastic, and it would last through to toddlerhood. Been reading reviews and generally looking at in online - looks lush.

Feeling well in myself - sickness seems to have mostly gone apart from odd bits in the morning. Was sick on Monday but only because I forcefed myself cereal! Lesson learned - only eat what I want to eat. Tiredness is slipping away thankfully, although still shattered but putting that more down to work. Took advantage of the free dentist this morning - apparently I have amazing teeth!

Final thing really - going to look at the nursery this afternoon. I have no idea what to ask or look for really, so I've gathered some advice from Kate and BabyCentre! A little nervous actually, just seems so far away, and feels a little like I'm wishing time away! However I need to be organised, and I want to use this nursery so that's what I'm doing. I'll update with how it goes I guess?

Will take / post belly photos soon - has definitely developed into a little bump!

With love and light xo

Tuesday, 19 October 2010

14+5 - Much Better

Just a quick update to say I'm feeling much better! Little bit of cold left but feel amillion times better than I did. Seem to be able to stay up past 9.30 at the moment which is lovely, and just generally feeling a little more human!

Had a few people commenting on the bump, which I still can't see! Must be there though as now none of my trousers fit, so might treat myself to some next week.

Given up on sleeping on my tummy now I think, I felt guilty enough about it but it was so incredibly comfy and I just wanted to sleep! But now it makes me feel a little sick. Could be purely imaginary but I guess I'll have to get used to it for a while.

Thinking of calling the nursery at college as apparently I need to reserve a place for January 2012. That just seems so crazy to me but I guess needs must! Hoping to go and look round over the next few weeks. Cupcake's not even here yet, I barely have a bump - how could I possibly be considering nurseries!

With love and light xo

Sunday, 17 October 2010

14+3 - Full of Cold :(

Haven't updated for a week, mostly due to being full of cold :(. Ended up taking a few days off work towards the end of the week, which I felt really guilty for but just felt awful. Ended up spending the days in bed watching Grey's Anatomy, which seems to be all about babies lately!

Not felt sick for a few days now, the last time I was sick was Monday so at about 13 weeks, hopefully I've seen the last of nausea and vomiting for a while! Feel pretty good actually, apart from the cold. I've got my appetite back (well... I'm constantly hungry!) but I still feel very tired, hopefully that's just down to the cold.

Not really much else to report! Been given a few lovely items for cupcake which I've put away, but we haven't bought anything ourselves yet. Everyone's being so lovely and generous, just makes me feel very blessed :).

Was going to update with a new picture but don't think there's a lot of change on the bump front, will leave the next picture till 15 weeks I think. Although had a student ask me if I was pregnant which I didn't expect for a while yet!

Might make the blog public soon, so hi to anyone reading this :)

With love and light xo

Sunday, 10 October 2010

13+3 - Bump Photo

13 Weeks

Got my SLR back last night so thought I'd take some pictures of cupcake! I've had a couple of people comment on my "bump" this week but I honestly think I'm just a little tubby! However having compared it to the other picture I can see a bit of a change...

Had a bit of a panic this morning after a little bleeding, but called the emergency midwife who just told me to take it easy. Seems to all be okay now so fingers crossed cupcake was just being silly!

Felt generally okay this week, it's been great to not be feeling sick all the time! I've even managed to eat every day. Hopefully I'm out of the sickness for a little while.

Went baby shopping yesterday and I was very happy to show restraint and not buy anything! Got a bit more of an idea of things that were available etc., but some things just seem so ridiculously expensive! I wouldn't spent £150 on bedding for myself, so how could I do that for a baby?! Been reading a few design blogs for inspiration and I may attempt to make a few bits and pieces. I'd quite like to make a little quilt but my sewing skills may let me down! Also fell in love with the cute nursery decals (like wall sticker things) on We will see!

Looked at prams a little but they were all so confusing! What do you get in the price? What do you pay extra for? What kind? What do we need?! Argh! Will look after Christmas I think...

All in all, we're doing quite well here :). Going to make the blog public soon so trying not to be too boring, but looking forward to reading this back one day!

With love and light xo


This post is just here for questions!

Ask me anything and I will try and answer to the best of my ability :)

Tuesday, 5 October 2010

12+5 - Scan Photo


Had my scan today! I was terrified but turns out for no reason whatsoever :). Cupcake was kicking and pushing, and it was just incredible. AND I didn't even cry! Saw hands and feet and it was just lovely. Measured 64mm which moved me ahead 4 days to 12 + 5, and changed my due date to 14th April!

Bean wouldn't cooperate and spin so we saw a lot of the back of the head! But had all measurements taken and was just a lovely experience. Plus it means I now qualify for the HIP grant of £190!

Just on cloud 9 really, soooo happy and overwhelmed! Can now also tell everyone which is just amazing.

Will update more, just wanted to get this down.

With love and light xo

Friday, 1 October 2010

11+4 - Dreams

I’m so fed up of these horrible dreams! Last night I repeatedly dreamed that I / my baby was killed or taken away in a ridiculous way. Last night involved vampires, werewolves, killer cats, and just average thugs. Stupid overactive imagination.

Mitch was climbing last night so I had a PJ, blanket and Project Runway night – bliss! Ended up with two cats curled up on me which never fails to be ridiculously cute. Bedtime was about 9pm. I am such a loser.

Still feeling sick. Still struggling to eat. Blergh! Please hurry up 2nd trimester where I can eat at all times of the day *fingers crossed*.

Nothing else to report. 4 days till scan.

With love and light xo